The following IDE options may be given at the DBAN boot prompt. This list is from the Linux IDE driver source file. Example: boot: dban ide0=autotune hdb=noprobe Where: "hdx=" is recognized for all "x" from "a" to "h", such as "hdc". "idex=" is recognized for all "x" from "0" to "3", such as "ide1". "hdx=noprobe" : drive may be present, but do not probe for it "hdx=none" : drive is NOT present, ignore cmos and do not probe "hdx=nowerr" : ignore the WRERR_STAT bit on this drive "hdx=cdrom" : drive is present, and is a cdrom drive "hdx=cyl,head,sect" : disk drive is present, with specified geometry "hdx=noremap" : do not remap 0->1 even though EZD was detected "hdx=autotune" : driver will attempt to tune interface speed to the fastest PIO mode supported, if possible for this drive only. Not fully supported by all chipset types, and quite likely to cause trouble with older/odd IDE drives. "hdx=slow" : insert a huge pause after each access to the data port. Should be used only as a last resort. "hdx=swapdata" : when the drive is a disk, byte swap all data "hdx=bswap" : same as above "hdxlun=xx" : set the drive last logical unit. "hdx=flash" : allows for more than one ata_flash disk to be registered. In most cases, only one device will be present. "hdx=scsi" : the return of the ide-scsi flag, this is useful for allowing ide-floppy, ide-tape, and ide-cdrom|writers to use ide-scsi emulation on a device specific option. "idebus=xx" : inform IDE driver of VESA/PCI bus speed in MHz, where "xx" is between 20 and 66 inclusive, used when tuning chipset PIO modes. For PCI bus, 25 is correct for a P75 system, 30 is correct for P90,P120,P180 systems, and 33 is used for P100,P133,P166 systems. If in doubt, use idebus=33 for PCI. As for VLB, it is safest to not specify it. "idex=noprobe" : do not attempt to access/use this interface "idex=base" : probe for an interface at the addr specified, where "base" is usually 0x1f0 or 0x170 and "ctl" is assumed to be "base"+0x206 "idex=base,ctl" : specify both base and ctl "idex=base,ctl,irq" : specify base, ctl, and irq number "idex=autotune" : driver will attempt to tune interface speed to the fastest PIO mode supported, for all drives on this interface. Not fully supported by all chipset types, and quite likely to cause trouble with older/odd IDE drives. "idex=noautotune" : driver will NOT attempt to tune interface speed, this is the default for most chipsets, except the cmd640 "idex=serialize" : do not overlap operations on idex and ide(x^1) "idex=four" : four drives on idex and ide(x^1) share same ports "idex=reset" : reset interface before first use "idex=dma" : enable DMA by default on both drives if possible "idex=ata66" : informs the interface that it has an 80c cable for chipsets that are ATA-66 capable, but the ablity to bit test for detection is currently unknown. "ide=reverse" : Formerly called to pci sub-system, but now local. The following are valid ONLY on ide0, (except dc4030) and the defaults for the base,ctl ports must not be altered. "ide0=dtc2278" : probe/support DTC2278 interface "ide0=ht6560b" : probe/support HT6560B interface "ide0=cmd640_vlb" : *REQUIRED* for VLB cards with the CMD640 chip (not for PCI -- automatically detected) "ide0=qd65xx" : probe/support qd65xx interface "ide0=ali14xx" : probe/support ali14xx chipsets (ALI M1439,M1443,M1445) "ide0=umc8672" : probe/support umc8672 chipsets "idex=dc4030" : probe/support Promise DC4030VL interface "ide=doubler" : probe/support IDE doublers on Amiga eof